I love winter, truly–it’s a great time to write. But I miss color. So when my husband went to Bermuda for a meeting, I tagged along. April and May are the best months in Bermuda, but January is pretty nice, too.
Our hotel, the Hamilton Princess, was luxurious.
Flowers were everywhere.
The hotel had a wonderful collection of contemporary art.
Andy Warhol’s 4 screen prints of Queen Elizabeth II.
A signed lithograph by David Hockney called “Pool made with Paper Blue Ink for Book”. No, I don’t understand it either, and those squiggles look like leeches (or something even more biological) to me, but I loved the color.
Near the rocks, the water was a clear turquoise.
One afternoon we visited the aquarium and small zoo.
But you know, I think my favorite color was our little orange cat Alani, waiting for us in her hideaway at home.